Monsanto Evil in Nepal!

This is the time people, especially farmers, should fight for their rights and originality. The big corporate organization like the "Chaudhary Group" and the citizens's umbrella, the "Nepal Government" have joined in their hands to fight with us, the Citizens! And the poor farmers too.

The corporate organizations are getting greedier and too much money hungry, but for what? I think they have forgotten one thing, that they too have to live in this same world.

पाम एग्रोटेकबाट ठगिएकाहरुले अदालतमा मुद्दा दायर गर्नुहोस्।

पाम एग्रोटेक निश्चित् रुपमा ठग कम्पनि हो। र अब यो तथ्य आधिकारिक रुपमा प्रमाणित हुन मात्रै बाँकि छ।

त्यसकारण  अब पाम एग्रोटेकको प्रलोभनमा आफू पनि नफसौँ र अरुलाई पनि फस्नबाट बचाऔँ।

पहिले नै फसिसकेका हरुले पुर्पुरोमा हात राखेर बस्नको सट्टा सबै एकजुट भएर अदालतमा मुद्दा दायर गरी कानुनी उपचारतर्फ लागौँ।

सबै जना सङ्गठित भएपछि त न्याय पाईन्छ कि!

एकतामा धेरै बल हून्छ। र अब राज्यले चासो नदेखाएपछि र किसानलाई न्याय नदिलाएपछि आफ्नो हक अधिकारको लागि, र आफ्नो न्यायको लागि आफैँ लड्नुको विकल्प छैन।

Palm Agrotech: Officially a Fraud

Many people still express that they want to plant Aloe Vera to me through the comments of this blog. While I was advising them to be cautious while deciding the commercial cultivation of Aloe Vera, they just write some nonsense comments which prove that they haven't read the post completely.

For example, in my post where I discussed whether Aloe Vera farming is commercially profitable and concluded that it is not that profitable by giving the example of those who have failed at it badly, people still comment that they want to plant Aloe Vera.

By now I am certain that the company Agrotech is a Fraud. And that Aloe Vera is a profitable crop is just a hoax. Yes, you read it right, it’s just a HOAX! Therefore, I officially advise everyone to stay away from Palm Agrotech!!

रोगबाट बच्न अर्गानिक खेती

अस्ति म क्यान्सर अस्पतालमा मेरी साहिँली हजुरआमा (मेरी आफ्नि हजुरआमा जेठी हुनुहुन्छ) लाई भेट्न गएको थिए। त्यहाँको लबिमा कुरीराख्दा क्यान्सर लाग्नुका कारण र क्यान्सर रोगबाट बच्ने तरिका सम्बन्धि भित्तामा झुन्डाईएका सुचनाहरु पढ्ने अवसर पाएँ।

त्यसक्रममा क्यान्सर रोगको प्रमुख कारक तत्वका रुपमा:
  • सर्वप्रथम त चुरोट र सूर्तीजन्य पदार्थ
  • र दोस्रोमा बिषादी प्रयोग भएका तरकारी र खाद्यबस्तु 
नै रहेको पाएँ।

त्यसमा पनि हामी, जो सूर्तीजन्य पदार्थ सेवन गर्दैनौँ, त्यस्ता मानिसलाई क्यान्सर हुने एउटै कारण देखिन्छ, जुन हो बिषादी युक्त खानाको प्रयोग।

Agriculture website

Because of the great response from the audience in this blog, I'm thinking to make a large website related to agriculture.

At this stage I've planned the following things:
  • The name of the domain to register.
  • What kind of information to put in the website, that is, content for the site.
  • How to generate an income from the site.

Seeking out for Government Help and Support in Agriculture

Government of Nepal has been focusing in developing agricultural sector. Commercialization of agriculture is the main focus of the government at present. However, the implementation has not become as effective as it should have been. For this partly the government is responsible, but to a greater extent we ourselves are responsible.

The problems of governmental inefficiency are beyond our control and therefore we cannot change them. However, we can change ourselves. We can try whatever is possible from our own efforts and initiations. We rather should try! In this post, I’ll describe what kinds of help and support we can seek out from the government’s administrative bodies like District Agriculture Office, District Forest Office, Resource Centers, and so on, which are located in every district.

Buy Stevia from me if you are from Chitwan

Do you want to free yourself from buying expensive sugar and use a cheaper alternative to it? You can now plant, 5 stevia plants and get rid of the need to buy sugar altogether. Five plants of stevia can be enough to meet the need of sugar for a medium sized nuclear family.

Is Commercial Aloe Vera Farming Profitable?

Commercial farming of Aloe Vera
After Palm Agrotech Ltd. introduced the commercial farming of Aloe vera and stevia, many people were tempted to cultivate these cash crops, especially Aloe Vera. The company promised to provide technical support and purchase the products, mainly the leaves. The company even claimed that the investment can be recovered within the first 6 months of farming and an income of around 10 lakh Nepalese Rupees can be earned within the first year itself. So, it seemed at first that there was nominal risk and good return.

Now, it's already been two years since the company was established in 2067 BS, and the commercial farming of Aloe Vera is no longer a new concept in Nepal. There are many people cultivating the crop in Chitwan and according to the company's chairman Mr. Rudra Prasad Giri, the commercial farming of Aloe Vera has already been started in 55 districts of Nepal. Even in my locality in Bharatpur – 8, Gauriganj, there are many people cultivating this plant.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera Gel Cubes
Aloe Vera Gel is the colorless mucilaginous gel obtained from the parenchymatous cells in the leaves of Aloe Vera. The gel is a viscous, transparent and fluid-like liquid which tastes slightly bitter and is generally taken fresh (without drying).

Aloe Vera Gel is different from Aloe Vera Juice which is the bitter yellow exudate originating from the bundle sheath cells of the leaf. The drug Aloe consists of the dried juice.

Major chemical constituents

Aloe Vera Juice: Summarizing WHO’s Findings

Aloe Juice is the solidified juice originating in the cells of the pericycle and adjacent leaf parenchyma, and flowing spontaneously from the cut leaf, allowed to dry with or without the aid of heat.

Description of Aloe Vera

Picture of Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe Vera is a succulent and almost sessile perennial herb whose leaves are 30–50cm long and 10cm broad at the base. Its color is pea-green (when young spotted with white) and it bears bright yellow tubular flowers 25–35cm in length arranged in a slender loose spike.

Dried Juice

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